“Trademarks are words, names, symbols, or other devices used in trade to indicate the source of a product and to distinguish it from the products of others.” (ASC 805-20-55, para 16). Trademarks are separable assets that can be sold, transferred, licensed, etc.
Trademarks constitute on average 12% of the intangible value of businesses. For 23% of all businesses, trademarks represent their most important (or primary) intangible asset.
of all intangible assets
Widest selection
Support your trademark valuation with the widest selection of comparable market data.
MARKABLES has more than 15,006 different trademarks and their valuation data on file. This is over 12 times more cases than any other vendor of IP valuation data.
For each trademark case, MARKABLES reports detailed information including the following, and more:
Business description
Enterprise value
Other intangible assets and meaningful ratios
Royalty rate
Acquiror value data
Trademark related profit split
Trademark value
EV / revenues
Asset structure
Useful life
Get relevant and robust market comps for your valuation within minutes.
Herrengasse 46a
6430 Schwyz / SZ